PAW Ireland
PAW Ireland brings together statutory agencies, non-statutory agencies and interested parties with the common goal of combating wildlife crime through publicity, education and campaigning.
PAW Ireland objectives – to;
Raise awareness of wildlife legislation and the impacts of wildlife crime;
Provide a forum to facilitate the exchange of information & expertise on wildlife enforcement;
Help and advise on wildlife crime and regulatory issues;
Raise the profile of wildlife crime within the judiciary & statutory agencies;
Promote the use of forensic technologies to combat wildlife crime;
Make sure wildlife crime is tackled effectively
PAW Ireland Members
PAW Ireland consists of the organisations below, that work in partnership to reduce wildlife crime by raising awareness and promoting effective enforcement.
PAW aims to raise awareness of wildlife crime, establish an Irish network of contact points to provide advice, information and expertise, and collect wildlife information.
The group also liaises with other relevant organisations throughout Northern Ireland including the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), Northern Ireland Environment Agency, and many wildlife welfares and conservation NGOs.
Join PAW
Any organisation actively contributing to the PAW objectives can apply to become a member of PAW Ireland. To join, please email wildlifecrime.pawireland@gmail.com for a membership form.
PAW Ireland Sub Groups
PAW Ireland consists of the main steering group where each member organisation is represented and which meets 3-4 times per year.
There are also various subgroups that report to the steering group, which examine and action various components of wildlife crime according to their various specialties and expertise.
Mammal Sub Group – deals with crimes relating to all mammals
Aquatic Sub Group – deals with issues relating to marine and freshwater crimes
Environment Sub Group – deals with issues relating damage/destruction to habitats and their inhabitants
Birds Sub Group – deals with issues relating to bird crimes
Education and Publicity Sub Group – deals with education, outreach and raising awareness of wildlife crime & PAW
PAW International Groups
In addition to PAW Ireland, there are UK groups that aim to develop initiatives that are specifically tailored to meet their own country issues and concerns, particularly following the devolution of certain wildlife controls.