Leaflets & Publications / Articles

Leaflets & Flyers, Publications, Articles & Podcasts

Leaflets, Flyers and Publications – UK

Partnership For Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Northern Ireland

PAW consists of a number of organisations that work in partnership to reduce wildlife crime by raising awareness and promoting effective enforcement.
PAW aims to raise awareness of wildlife crime, establish a Northern Ireland network of contact points to provide advice, information and expertise, and collect wildlife information. The group also liaises with other relevant organisations throughout Ireland including the National Parks and Wildlife Service, An Garda Síochána and the Irish Raptor Study Group.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is an active member in the Partnership for Action against Wildlife Crime in Northern Ireland (PAWNI).

You can download the following leaflets from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s website, in the Partnership For Action Against Wildlife Crime section

PAW publications

Wildlife law & you (outline of the laws protecting wildlife, particularly those relating to the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order (As amended) 1985)

Wildlife crime and how to report it

Bird of prey poisoning maps

Traps, Snares, Poisons and the Law in Scotland

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)

The RSPB Investigations Section produces a number of publications relating to wild birds and the law.

Legal Eagle publications

Rat poison and the threat to wildlife