Leaflets & Publications / Articles
Leaflets & Flyers, Publications, Articles & Podcasts
Leaflets, Flyers and Publications – Ireland
PAW Ireland
- Wildlife Crime & the Law in Ireland
- Bird Crime & the Law in Ireland
- Bat Crime & the Law in Ireland
- Badger Crime & the Law in Ireland
- Hare Crime & the Law in Ireland
- Deer Crime & the Law in Ireland
(Download zipped file for printer)
National Parks and Wildlife Service
- How you can help the R.A.P.T.O.R. Protocol – R.A.P.T.O.R. – Recording and Addressing Persecution and Threats to Our Raptors Flyer
- RAPTOR Reports Published for 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015
- Mammal Red List for Ireland 2009 – species at high risk of global extinction
Notice Nature
Leaflets, booklets and guidelines page
- Wildlife, Habitats & Development
- Wildlife, Habitats & the Extractive Industry
- Guidelines for the protection of biodiversity: Tourism
An Garda Síochána
Invasive Species Ireland
Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU)
Bat Conservation Ireland
Bat leaflets and guidelines page
- Bat protection and the law
- Bats in Buildings: Guidance Notes for Planners, engineers, architects and developers
- Bats & Lighting: Guidance Notes for Planners, engineers, architects and developers
Irish Deer Commission
Leaflets, Flyers and Publications – UK
Partnership For Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Northern Ireland
PAW NI leaflets
PAW NI aims to raise awareness of wildlife crime, establish a Northern Ireland network of contact points to provide advice, information and expertise, and collect wildlife information. The group also liaises with other relevant organisations throughout Ireland including the National Parks and Wildlife Service, An Garda Síochána and the Irish Raptor Study Group.
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
The PSNI is an active member of PAWNI
You can download animal welfare and wildlife publications, posters and leaflets from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s website
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Wildlife law & you (outline of the laws protecting wildlife, particularly those relating to the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order (As amended) 1985)
Resources including the below
Wildlife crime and how to report it
Bird of prey poisoning maps
Scottish Government
Wildlife crime annual reports
Ministers must lay a report every calendar year on offences which relate to wildlife, to include information on incidences and prosecutions during the year
Wildlife management – Wildlife Bills and legislation
Scottish Parliament
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill (April 2024)- regulating wildlife traps and the burning of vegetation
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Rat poison and the threat to wildlife
Forensic Papers & Publications
Partnership For Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW) Forensic Working Group
- Wildlife crime: forensic and specialist techniques
- A summary of current forensic tests available in the investigation of wildlife crime
- Minimum standards and additional guidelines for wildlife forensic analysts
- Wildlife DNA Sampling Guide: Instructions for the Wildlife DNA Sampling Kit
The following guides are on the PAW FWG website and have been prepared to help enforcement officers and forensic laboratory scientists
John & Margaret Cooper
Wildlife crime scene investigation: techniques, tools and technology